Summer really is a great time for moving. Long days and beautiful weather make this time of year a popular choice for relocation. However, just like every other season, summer brings its own hazards that can complicate your move. By preparing for all possibilities and thinking through your plan, you will be more than ready to take advantage of the summer sunshine. Here are some things to consider while planning your summer move.

Schedule Your Summer Move Early

Don’t forget that many other people are planning to move this summer. An essential part of getting the best movers, trucks, and other equipment is scheduling your move well in advance. Attempt to get your move date booked at least two months in advance if possible. If you can’t schedule that far in advance, then you should expect to need flexibility in moving times and locations. The best moving companies work with you to make your plans happen. Therefore, if your date isn’t available, don’t be afraid to call and ask about cancellations or alternative options.

Prepare for the Heat

Depending on where you live, the summer heat ranges from uncomfortable to brutal. With this in mind, it’s necessary to plan ahead about how the heat will affect your move. For instance, be sure to schedule your electricity to be shut off the day after you move. This will allow you to use the air conditioner and/or fans while the actual move is taking place. Additionally, get the power turned on at your new home the day before your move if at all possible. Then your new home has time to cool off for your arrival.

Try to plan the bulk of your move either early or late in the day in order to avoid the hottest part of the day. Dress for the heat, in breathable fabrics and loose fitting clothes. Also, schedule in lots of breaks and drink more water than you think you need. Heat exhaustion can sneak up on you and is potentially very dangerous.

Keep Pets and Perishables Safe

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If you are planning to move perishable items, like food or medications, make sure you plan to put them in your vehicle last and move them in first. Ice packs and coolers are excellent tools to prevent your ice cream from melting, but they work great for crayons and candles too! Also, don’t forget to make a plan for your pets that includes them staying safely out of the heat for the day. It is easy to get wrapped up in the day’s activity and leave a pet in the yard or the car. Instead, plan ahead for a safe space with plenty of water.

Finally, be sure you hire professional movers to do the bulk of the work. We are familiar with safely working in the heat of a summer move. We will relieve you of a lot of the heaviest labor while giving you every assurance of a great moving experience. Moving within the D.C. or Fairfax, VA area? Contact Nova Express Movers for a free quote today!

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